Insurance Claims Are Evolving


Written by Rajat Khattar Posted by Carolina
Rajat Khattar

Rajat Khattar

A shared objective among businesses today is to reduce expenditure, maximize productivity, and maintain a competitive advantage over their competitors. When it comes to insurance companies, adjusters spend a fair amount of time in the field and even more so behind a desk prioritizing, documenting and closing claims. As a solution, many insurance companies are implementing Field Services Claims Applications to steer away from paper-based Field Service Management (FSM), and shift to a mobile workforce system that boosts efficiency and optimizes time.

The traditional way to file a claim for car insurance/auto insurance, for a life insurance company, health insurance and the overall scope of the industry, is extremely dated and time-consuming. The process of reporting a claim typically goes like this: the customer files a claim, brings the vehicle to a repair shop, waits to hear from the adjuster, waits for repairs to be completed, and finally receives a check to cover expenses. Insurance claim applications provide an entirely new level of convenience for clients and insurance companies alike. Customers no longer have to spend days waiting to receive an estimate.

Insurance Claims Mobile App Impact

With a mobile application, the turnaround period to receive an estimate takes a fraction of the time. Clients can login using their tablet or mobile device and submit photos or conduct a video chat with appraisers to show the damages to their vehicle. This mobile option cuts down on the time adjusters spend processing a claim and delivers an estimate to the customers within a few hours.

Additionally, a mobile app removes the need to have an adjuster present, saving insurance companies the costs of having an agent out in the field as often. Insurance companies looking to reach a wider audience while also reducing costs even further can do so by choosing to develop a cross-platform mobile app with Xamarin. By using this tool, insurance companies can offer customers easy access to their mobile app whether they use an Android, iOS or Windows device.

Insurance Claims & Mobile Apps

Although there is no replacing the human interaction needed for a claim that includes extensive damage, the adoption of a mobile application will allow agents to attend to other areas or clients that might be in need. To reduce development time and get the app out onto the market faster, insurance companies can look to partner with expert insurance software developers to begin the integration of an Insurance Claims Application. Once equipped with a diverse application integrated into their field services, insurance companies will enjoy the benefits of minimized costs, enhanced efficiency, and the ability to offer high-quality services to a broader spectrum of customers.


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