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Custom E-Commerce & Social Media Module Integration Wins the Race

Gavin Graham is a fourth-generation race car driver competing well above his age class at a professional level. In an effort to further promote his racing efforts and brand-inspired merchandise, he and his team asked Chetu to seamlessly integrate an e-commerce module and social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube within the custom GGR website.


Everyone was blown away by the website. It is super smooth, user-friendly, and works really well on mobile devices. With all the variables in our day to day, it was nice to know that Chetu was willing to go out of their way to provide zoom links and status calls. Chetu was also never shy about emailing us and maintaining a constant line of transparent communication.

- Luis Murillo, Marketing Director

GGR Logo


- Retail

Technology Leveraged:

- Stripe Payment Gateway

- WooCommerce Plugin

- PHP 7.4

- WordPress

- MS Azure

Project Solution:

- Custom Multimedia Website

- E-Commerce Storefront

- Payment Gateway Integration

- Social Media Platform Integration


Gavin Graham is a fourth-generation race car driver, winning countless races, racing championships, and setting multiple track records all while competing well above his age class. A thirteen-year-old prodigy, Gavin has been racing go-karts since the tender age of five, learning the craft of professional racing from control and speed to adapting to the racetrack.

His love and passion for racing continues to intensify with every lap he takes, and he has a dedicated team behind him, continuously marketing his professional brand, optimizing his racing schedule, and pushing forward to gain new sponsors.

The ultimate goal for Gavin’s team is to not only help him grow as a race car driver, but also to grow his racing brand (GGR). With this growth, Gavin aims to gain more sponsors to help fund his branding efforts so that he can become the next big name in racing.

“We went to the PRI, Performance Racing Industry, convention in Indianapolis where we handed out business cards with a QR barcode scanner feature,” said Luis Murillo, marketing director for Gavin Graham Racing, LLC. “With these awesome cards, we received a ton of attention and lots of positive feedback. When patrons scanned the QR barcode on the cards, the website would pop up instantaneously! It was super easy and convenient for people to see our site, which was super smooth and highly functioning across a wide range of devices.”

In an effort to further promote his racing efforts and professional brand, Gavin and his team asked Chetu to integrate an e-commerce storefront and their social media platforms with his current website, resulting in a picture-perfect multimedia-inspired website that accurately reflects upon his passion for the sport of racing.


For the website, the client wanted to be able to upload videos, pictures, and other media through an Adobe Spark plugin on the WordPress platform. They also wanted to integrate their GGR social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Chetu created the Gavin Graham Racing website from the ground up and integrated an e-commerce module for the GGR marketing team to maintain and update at their convenience.

Our expert team of developers also integrated a full-service payment gateway system using the Stripe API so that users can purchase GGR products directly from the site.


First, we needed to analyze and determine which e-commerce platform APIs to implement within the website. We decided to run the website on WordPress since it would be the most accessible platform for Gavin’s marketing team to update content whenever necessary.

To help them with this process, we even provided an in-depth, comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to upload videos and pictures, edit content, change racing schedules, and manage their e-commerce store on the back-end.

The detailed PDF document incorporated thorough instructions, screenshots, and valuable troubleshooting information to help Gavin’s marketing team maintain the website and ensure that everything is up-to-date.


Our development team needed to install the development environment for this project with PHP and MySQL. We created the website on the WordPress platform using PHP 7.4 programming luggage, Apache 3.2.2 for the server, and MySQL 5.5.16 for the database.

We also used Tortoise SVN and Azure DevOps for the version control system, and the site runs on the Windows 10 operating system.


First, we needed to integrate the WooCommerce plugin via the WordPress platform to create the GGR e-commerce storefront on the website. Then, we implemented the logic to achieve the product landing cost calculation on the basis of HS code.

To ensure that this website would be smooth, easily navigational, and responsive on all mobile devices, our team needed to review the current database schema, WordPress site, and application architecture for further development and enhancements.


“We felt that our website needed to match what our social media presence was putting out,” said Luis Murillo. “We never expected people to start flooding our website or our online store, nor did we intend to become an e-commerce leader in merchandise sales. Our main goal was to further legitimize the site and gain new sponsors from big-name manufacturing companies and retail conglomerates to join our team.”

The client wanted the website to match the theme of their social media presence. We integrated their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube platforms in the form of icons presented at the bottom of their website.

These social media icons are also showcased on their contact page so that viewers can go to their social media networks directly from the site. This, in turn, helps to boost their SEO so that they can increase their rankings on the Google search engine.


The overall mission for Gavin Graham’s marketing team was to promote this young aspiring superstar NASCAR driver in a way that speaks true to racing fans from all walks of life.

With this new and improved website, Gavin’s team is further legitimizing his brand and showing potential sponsors that their investments would go a long way both on and off the track.

Coming off of a recent win, Gavin’s team wanted to tell Gavin’s true underdog story that’s both awe-inspiring and uplifting, especially targeting young adults that wish to follow their dreams. Gavin Graham’s success in the racing industry, at such a young age, is a true testament to how hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship can attribute to success in any capacity.

As a result of deploying this website, Gavin gained over 15,000 hits on their social media platforms (combined) and 5 new sponsors to join their team.

“If we didn’t have the website to further legitimize our company and professional brand, we wouldn’t have achieved nearly as much as we did in the short timeframe that we had to work with,” explained Luis Murillo. “Our success thus far was a direct result of the entire combination of efforts brought upon by Chetu and our marketing team. Having the new website along with our presence at the convention and our social media marketing efforts helped us to gain new sponsors. It was within the multiple pieces of the pie that we benefitted the most.”

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