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Case Study

Revolutionizing Check Processing: RPA Slashes Processing Time & Errors

Chetu created and implemented unattended RPA bots to automate financial check processing and streamline email workflows, significantly reducing processing times and errors for an enterprise client.

  • Industry
  • Technology Leveraged

    The technology leveraged on this project included:

  • UiPath Studio
  • UiPath Orchestrator

Project Solution:

We implemented an RPA solution to automate check processing workflows, including email parsing, attachment extraction, data validation, database entry, and end-of-day reporting, reducing processing time and minimizing errors. Average processing time was reduced from 15 minutes to 20 seconds.

The client organization leverages RPA bots for their clients and process owners to simplify the processing of financial checks. Checks were manually processed and e-mails were monitored to ensure that they were processed on time.

This client approached Chetu to improve the workflows and process the checks faster, also mitigating human errors. It originally took 15-20 minutes to process and validate each email, and the chance of human error was still possible. The process included:

The client needed a more efficient process to implement into their workflow.

Additionally, they wanted an end-of-day summary report with statistics of the checks processed throughout the day.

RPA Bots

Robotic process automation is a software technology featuring robots that automate repetitive tasks within digital systems by mimicking human actions. Regarding email automation, RPA bots can perform various tasks such as sending emails, processing attachments, sorting emails based on predefined criteria, extracting information from emails, updating databases based on email content, and more.

RPA bots can streamline data extraction from emails by parsing email content and attachments to identify relevant information. They validate and transform extracted data as needed before integrating it with other systems or applications; RPA bots handle errors and exceptions during the extraction process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in accessing important data contained within email communications.

The Approach

We created unattended RPA bots to process the emails, extract the data from attachments, and store them in a centralized database for further processing. We had a few goals for this project: lower operating costs, improve the efficiency of business operations, reduce or manage business risks, and increase customer/user experiences.

The ‘Check cancellation” process was chosen for the RPA. The process gets records from the shared drive, updates the QAD screen, and notifies users of success or error messages. We leveraged UiPath Studio and UiPath Orchestrator for the RPA solution. As a UiPath partner, we have years of experience providing RPA implementation solutions.

How it Works

The bot reads the email from the Outlook inbox and filters the mail according to date and subject. The bot will download the pdf file from the attachment, scrap the data, and store the scrapped data in the Excel file. After completing the process, the bot will move the mail to the success or failure folder. The bot will provide notification with the report attached by mail.


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