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Case Study

Revolutionizing Raffle Sales: A PAX A920 Terminal POS System for Events

Chetu transforms event raffle sales with an innovative terminal-based POS system.

  • Industry
  • Technology Leveraged
  • Programming Language: Kotlin
  • Android SDK
  • HandPoint Android SDK
  • Android PAX SDK
  • Retrofit Network API calls

Project Solution:

Chetu enhanced a raffle sales system, seamlessly integrated with PAX A920 terminals using Kotlin and Android SDKs, ensuring secure payments, efficient ticketing, and data integrity, revolutionizing the industry with user-friendly features and advanced functionalities.

This client works in the events industry, and they have an application that is a raffle ticket point-of-sale system for sporting events where 50% of the sales go to the winners and the other half to charity. This application sells raffle tickets, makes payments using cash or credit card options, and prints tickets. This client wanted it to be developed for PAX A920 terminal devices.

The terminal is used for selling tickets and making payments using cash or credit cards. The application uses PaySafe payment processors for credit cards, and the PAX terminal prints the receipt of tickets sold. It marks the ticket number with all entries bought by the customer. It scans the card using IDScan or any third-party open-source library.

The PAX A920 terminal device needs to be registered on the web portal by the administrator for a raffle event. The raffle seller or volunteer can log into the client's app on the terminal. The volunteer can sell the tickets to the customer, and available payment modes are cash or a credit card. The PAX SDK and PaySafe are used to make payments using a credit card and to print the ticket receipt. Admin can log in to close out the terminal and send the logout message to the server to inform the server that this terminal is ready for another raffle.

The Approach

We implemented the open source library to read the required information on the QR code of a driver's license. We developed the ability to store sold tickets in the app's local database and into the device storage directory SD card to recover data if the terminal device gets dropped or is offline.

We implemented a software integrity check screen to validate the software hash value received from the server with the app-generated SHA-1 hash value. We integrated a scan feature that scans the PDF417 QR code, like the driver's license and ticket QR code.

How It Works

The point of sale application's app launch introduces three options:

Login Module

Within the login module, user validation occurs through a login web API. Sellers are required to update their default password after the initial login.

Menu Options

Under menu options, various functionalities are available:

Admin Control

The Admin option permits admin users to control terminal settings and customize the workflow process for ticket selling, including security measures.

Sales Options

Sales options include dynamic pricing to encourage larger selections, with ticket purchasing available through cash or credit card. The system displays the remaining ticket count and issues batches of tickets from the server.

Player Information

The player information section captures details for tickets. This information is either sent to the server or stored locally for reconciliation later.

Privacy-Focused Approach

The system emphasizes privacy by collecting only essential information for ticket sales.

Additional Features:

Terminal POS System Restrictions

The system ensures that the terminal cannot void tickets, a function managed separately by the raffle manager online.

Player Verification and Optional Scans

The system includes player verification through phone numbers and optional driver’s license scans.

Leaderboard and Jackpot Information

By developing a user-friendly application that operates seamlessly on PAX terminal devices, Chetu has empowered event organizers and raffle sellers with a robust POS solution. The integration of payment processors and QR code scanning capabilities along with software integrity checks creates a seamless solution to elevate event raffle sales and empower charitable giving.


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